How do I get a vaccine?
Vaccinations can be administered based on the COVID eligibility criteria currently set by the State of New York. All vaccinations are by previously arranged appointment only.
What should I wear to an appointment?
A short sleeve or sleeveless shirt are best so that the person administering your vaccine has quick and easy access to your upper arm. Additional layers eg. sweaters and coats should be removed and carried until your vaccine is administered.
How soon is the vaccine effective?
Based on current studies, the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine require two (2) shots to be deemed fully effective and will require four (4) and six (6) weeks, respectively. Pfizer doses are administered three (3) weeks apart and are deemed fully effective one (1) or more week(s) after your second (2nd) dose, which in total is a 4 week course to get to full protection. Moderna doses are administered four (4) weeks apart and are deemed fully effective two (2) or more weeks after the second (2nd) dose, which in total is a 6 week course to get to full protection.
Can I get COVID from the vaccine?
No. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are created through mRNA science. Unlike old vaccines, you will not be receiving a weakened form of the virus, nor anything that could cause infection.
Do I still need to wear a mask and maintain social distancing?
Yes. Though these treatments have been proven to stop severe outcomes in the person being vaccinated, it is not yet known if someone who is vaccinated could still pickup, carry and spread SARS-COV-2 through their nose and throat. Masking and social distancing is still necessary to protect everyone else.
Am I eligible yet?
Visit the New York State website to verify eligibility.